Sunday 1 May 2016


I am snatching a few moments to reacquaint myself with my sadly neglected blog. The first thing I had to do was find my way around Word again – it’s been such a long time since I put fingers to keyboard.

So, what has been happening in my neck of the woods? Actually, not a lot, at least not a lot that has been earth-shattering – just as well, really.

Last August my eldest granddaughter got married. You may know that it is traditional for the bride to be late. Well, Marnie took the tradition to new heights, keeping her nervous groom waiting for forty-five minutes. The enforced wait in the old church gave the guests time to chat to each other and listen to some stirring bagpipe music. In fact it was so rousing that poor Frankie, innocently playing with a car, got the shock of his little life and burst into loud sobs. He still talks about it . . .

It was a lovely wedding and we all enjoyed our day.


Four days before the wedding my youngest daughter had her first baby, Charlie. He is, naturally, delightful J


Susannah nearly bought a house but the transaction fell through and the search continues. I don’t think any of us thought she and Frankie would still be living with us two years after they first moved in. We enjoy them being here – it’s good to have young life around us.

At the beginning of January Frankie started pre-school. He loves it, particularly Spanish and Mandarin. Now, I can recognise Spanish when I hear it but Mandarin . . . ??

In February Barry had a total knee replacement. For the first time in decades his left leg is straight. He is conscientious about doing his exercises and is making very good progress. Yesterday he and I went for a walk in the woods with the dogs. 

It was good to have company again – human company, that is. He will have his right knee operated on in August. None of us had fully appreciated how much the parlous state of his knees was affecting all our lives.

My son phoned the other day. He told me he had pests in his loft. ‘Moths?’ said I, thinking he would have said if it were mice. ‘No, glis.’

I had never heard of glis so looked them up. Myoxus glis (Glis glis) the edible or fat dormouse, was a delicacy in Roman times and bred by them for their delectation. They look very pretty, like little silver squirrels, but can do much damage in houses and are very difficult to eradicate. As with so much of our wild life they were imported to be part of a private collection but some escaped and made their homes in the wider countryside in Buckinghamshire. You can read more about them here and here.

So, that is what has been happening in my life. One thing I know for sure, if I had ever doubted it, is that I could never be a nurse!


  1. It must be Spring in the air that has us ol' bloggers coming out of hiding?! :-)

  2. It must be Spring in the air that has us ol' bloggers coming out of hiding?! :-)

  3. That, or having time off for good behaviour ;-)

  4. Hi Janice - crumbs! Spanish and Mandarin .. so if I need educating I just need to find Frankie?! So pleased the knee has gone well .. and great you can both go out for gentle walks (for now) ... the dogs look healthy ... lovely photos - congratulations on number 2 grandchild, and the wedding must have been wonderful - I hope she had a good excuse for being so late ... ?! Cheers and enjoy the Spring and Summer .. til August rocks around and nursing starts again ... good luck to the house buying too .. Hilary

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi HIlary - nice to see you and thank you for visiting. The bride's hair was the problem apparently - that and the vintage taxi negotiating narrow Dorset lanes.

    2. The narrow Dorset lanes I can understand ... hair - I've so little that doesn't cause a problem.

      Beautiful area of England for a wedding .. wonderful and I guess with mobile phones everyone knew what was happening ... cheers H

  6. How nice that you discovered your blogging skills again ! and the family gets bigger with weddings and babies. Toby my grandson is meanwhile 5 speaks French and Dutch and is a nice little boy. the parents are still helicopters swirling over his head, but now he protests ! lol !

  7. Thank you Ingrid. Toby still has German and Italian to learn then ;-) oh, and English . . .

  8. I thought I was the only missing blogger—how nice we're both online again and have been able to connect.
    I love the photos of the groom and bride. I always cry when I hear a pipe band...memories of parades in my childhood, featuring all of our local soldiers who made it home.
    I'm sure someone else has made remarks about the bride being a hair late, so I won't say that.

  9. There are lots of us, Kay - let's hope many more make it back to Blogland . . .

  10. Glad to see you back blogging! Enjoyed your catch-up & your photos! Looks like a lovely wedding...and oh to hear that bagpipe music!

  11. Hi Mary - nice to see you. I hope I will be able to maintain my blogging a little more frequently than of late . . .


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